“The Mayor” of 34th Street

20 Aug

Well I was to post everyday on my new blog and shortly into it I lost my very sweet friend Earl Branche.  I just didn’t feel like writing.  As we go through life we meet people and some make a mark, or shall we an indention on your heart.  Earl’s memory is engraved in my heart.  So many days were spent talking or laughing together and they are cherished memories that I will have forever.  Earl had a great faith in God which does sweeten the loss and I like to envision him in Heaven hanging around the gardens or serving others as those were his two of his favorite activities.  Earl had been sick for a while and so I was helping him with his gardening activities (one of my favorite things).  One day we went out to buy plants.  We were driving down the road and heard this whirring noise.  “What’s that” questioned Earl and then he looked in the rear view mirror and the back of his SUV was open!   We both had a big laugh over this and many other hilarious things that came up during our friendship.   I am so sad to lose him but he will always be tucked away in my heart along with my Mother, Father and all the others that I have loved here on Earth that have made their ways to their heavenly home.  “The Mayor” of 34th Street will be sorely missed!

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