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11 Aug

Some of you may know my friend Martha.  She is my walking partner, buddy, mentor, soundboard and she gets me.  She even let’s me stop during our walks to take pictures.  Now that’s a friend!  We started walking on the boardwalk of Virginia Beach  a month or so ago.  When we were coordinating our walking plans I suggested 6:30 am.  We settled on 6:15 and since then have backed it up to 6:00.  That has been a learning curve for me but it has been so worth it.  If you have not had a chance to see a sunrise lately you must, must, must push yourself out of that bed. (Sunrise posts will follow)   True, we do have a wonderful view of the ocean and I know everyone does not have that luxury.  However, I have found out that some of my very best thoughts and ideas have bolted into my brain during our dark thirty strolls.  I credit Martha with helping me regurgitate and refine those little nuggets of knowledge.  She has a passion for writing and has the knack of taking the events and experiences of her life and expounding on the little details which pull you into her world.

In our hurry up and get everything done as fast as we possibly can world, I get to have that tiny carved out piece of time and I have the good fortune to be able to spend it with someone who does not judge me, listens to me, supports me and best of all not one day goes by that we don’t laugh out loud together.   We get a chance to spend time with the homeless, the vacationers, those tireless city workers who start their work day so early, those fearless runners and walkers like us and of course every morning a new sunrise with dolphins thrown into the mix as well.   I get to photograph it all and will post many of the pictures here.  I challenge you today to think of one person that makes your day special and thank them or send them a note to tell them how much they mean to you.  So this post is dedicated to my boardwalking friend Martha who makes my mornings rock!  God bless you and keep you safe.